bridge n. 1.桥,桥梁;【造船】舰桥,船桥。 2.鼻梁;(假牙上的)齿桥;【音乐】弦柱,弦马;【电学】电桥;【机械工程】天车,桥架;【台球】球棒架。 3.(文艺作品的)过渡性章节,过场;穿插,插曲。 a bridge of boats 船桥。 a bascule bridge 活动桥。 a suspension [wire] bridge 吊桥,悬索桥。 Wheatstone bridge 【物理学】惠斯登电桥。 throw a bridge across [over] a river 在河上架桥。 bridge of gold [silver] = golden [silver] bridge 退路,逃路,易于突破难关的办法。 burn one's bridges (behind one) 布背水阵,破釜沉舟。 Don't cross the bridge until you come to it. 不要杞人忧天,不要预先自寻苦恼。 in bridge 【物理学】并联;跨接;加分路。 vt. 1.在…之间架桥,搭桥于,用桥连接;【电学】跨接。 2.〔比喻〕越过,跨过 (over). The road bridges the river. 在河上架桥把路连接起来。 bridge over obstacles 越过障碍。 n. 【牌戏】桥牌战,打桥牌。 auction bridge 拍卖式桥牌。 contract bridge(打不到预定墩数要受罚的)合约式桥牌。
Life is a bridge of sighs across the flood of tears 生活是跨越泪河的叹息之桥。
Life is a bridge of sighs across a flood of tears 生活是跨越泪河的叹息之桥。
Our morning sightseeing tour of venice includes the fantastic st . marks basilica , the magical piazza st . marco , and the bridge of sighs 威尼斯,这个漂在水上的繁华都市,拥有150条水道和400座桥梁,是名符其实的水都。
Our itinerary today begins with a ferry ride to venice . upon arrival at venice , our sightseeing tour shows us the magnificent st . marks basilica , the magical piazza st . marco , the bridge of sighs , the dodges palace outside 登岸,徒步穿过狭窄巷弄运河拱桥叹息桥,来到?中心的圣马可大教堂,教堂前的大广场上鸽子遍地,这点点滴滴,水都威尼斯果真名不
After breakfast , take the private boat to visit the heart of venice , st . mark square , the 950 years old st . mark basilica , see the outer portion of the lavish doges palace with the bridge of sighs finishing off our tour for a visit to the world famous murano glass factory 早餐后参观水都威尼斯,全市由一百一十六个小岛组成纵横交错的运河,和一幢幢古色古香雄伟雅致的教堂,长年浸在水中生青苔的老屋,好几世纪都静静地与碧空海水为伴。
Start our walking tour with english speaking guide to the 950 years old byzantine splendor of st . marks basilica , lavish doges palace , and the bridge of sighs , the grand and petite piazza of st . marco , and finishing off our tour for a visit to the world famous murano glass factory 早餐后参观威尼斯,全市由一百一十六个小岛组成纵横交错的运河,和一幢幢古色古香雄伟雅致的教堂中,以建于十一世纪拜占庭式的圣马可大教堂和大广场举世闻名。最后参观著名的威尼斯水晶玻璃工厂。